Sunday, November 23, 2008

adventures in flying

ask me tomorrow how it was flying solo with a little wriggly 7 month old!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I got tagged

a guy on the radio today said adults don't play, but in bloggerland, the game of tag is alive and well... and not just among elementary aged bloggers. well today i was "tagged"... it's pretty much like those emails you get saying answer these questions and send them to everyone and keep the dream alive. today's mandate is for me to tell you six random things about myself... and i get this nifty award:

So, quickly as William is nearly ready for bed (and i apologize that although random, these are not very exciting)--

1. tonight i baked pear spice bread. i hardly ever bake. i like cooking much better. i don't feel very confident baking things and it's a whole lot of mixing and resulting dirty bowls that are too big to fit in the dishwasher. all of which can be tiresome. but, the bread is good and even greg likes it and he is not a big put-pears-in-my-spice-bread kind of guy.

2. random... let's see... i spent 7 years growing out my hair and it got pretty long... then a few months ago my grandma cut a few inches off and hardly anyone noticed. from my perspective it was a noticeable difference, but... perhaps not.

3. do you remember your math lessons? in fifth grade i drew the entire factor family on my desk, in pencil. they lived in a big two story house with an attached garage. i worked hard on it and though i pleaded for clemency, mr. reckard made me wash the whole thing off. oh, also, for some reason i really love drawing things on microsoft paint and one time spent the better half of a few summer weeks drawing an entire golf course (though i don't think i actually got through all 18 holes) and had a series of pictures devoted to my roommate's guinea pig.

4. another childhood memory... one time we had oysters for dinner. afterwards, i kept one of the shells for a couple of years and hoped against hope that one day i'd open it and inside there'd be a pearl. of course it didn't happen, but this is an illustration of how my world was not always based in reality as a kid.

5. my favorite color is yellow. my favorite number is 7. and since we have been on the topic of childhood, as a child i found it very important to have favorites of things . i chose the indian python snake as my favorite animal, and at least two times brought fake snakes to school on april fool's day.

6. i will try to think of something more current for my last random fact... well, thanks to william i have had both spit up and poop on my hands today!

thank you thank you thank you. and now, to keep the game going, i will tag tinamalina and kate and brother nunen and jason (because he needs to update his blog).

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

O happy day!

I know this feeling. Feels like spring is around the corner after a long, dark winter.

Monday, November 03, 2008

the news you've all been waiting for...

william is sprouting his first of many teeth!

and... i only ate 6 pieces of halloween candy today. talk about self control!

don't forget to vote tomorrow, if you haven't already. try as we might, we couldn't teach will how to say 'o-bam-a' before the election, but it really is a baby friendly name.

let's see... i'll try to find a picture to end the post...

(and no, that's not his tooth... just a GBBD... glittering bit of baby drool)