Tuesday, November 10, 2009

bat redux

you may recall that last year, william was a bat for halloween. well folks... looks like we may be seeing the beginnings of a new tradition-- see william the bat, the second...
really what happened is that we did not have our acts together regarding a halloween costume for william... not much of a surprise given that we are often scrambling to keep the bare minimum of daily life from succumbing to entropy, but it doesn't help that he is only a year and a half and therefore has no clue what halloween is and that he should be donning a costume for it. which is all to say, i'm sure that as he gets older, we will plan things out further in advance. but as it goes, we were fortunate to have a bat costume in the closet which fit him quite well. we got it from a neighbor who got it from a neighbor, and we completely forgot about it until halloween eve. he enjoyed wearing it. he learned how to flap his wings. and we pretty much kept him in the dark about the other, rather significant aspect of halloween-- the sugar. we'll see what the years bring in that area as well.

anywho, the next day his uncle geoffy came to town to run in a race. here they are... one of whom is acting silly...
more later!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

why isn't the last half of lost season 5 online?

i'm putting that question out there because it appears no one else is. why doesn't abc.com or hulu have episodes 10-18 of season 5 available for viewing? it's not fair! how am i going to know what happens!?