Saturday, September 04, 2010

long time...

sometimes i wonder if and when i'll ever update the blog! this has to be one of the longest stretches to date. my apologies to the three of you still checking this website. but i'll try to update soon. i think i mentioned that greg graduated, so he's officially a post-doc, doing research in the med physics department. i don't think i mentioned that there's a new baby on the way in this household! i think most folks know about that already. due in february. we are excited about that! and w.t. started preschool at a Montessori school. so we're all getting used to the new routine. it's a cool day in the 60's here, blue skies, sunny, so i think we'll go pick some apples down the road and if we get enough, make some applesauce to eat up once all of the apples are gone from wisconsin. i'll try to post some pictures soon. until then, take care!