Sunday, November 01, 2009

why isn't the last half of lost season 5 online?

i'm putting that question out there because it appears no one else is. why doesn't or hulu have episodes 10-18 of season 5 available for viewing? it's not fair! how am i going to know what happens!?


Palotti said...

I'm sure they will release them as the season premiere gets closer and closer...

in the meantime, use this website. most the links seem to work:

Anonymous said...

Up until the beginning of September they only had episodes 10-18 of season 5 available and then made the switch! Its driving me crazy guess is that it has something to do with the release of Season 5 on Dvd in early December...dont want the public getting their hands on it when they can buy it instead.

sean said...

you've made it this far into lost, you know it's impossible to know what is happening anyway

Anonymous said...

That is annoying. If you get really desperate, you can purchase the episodes for $1.99 each on iTunes

Or wait for netflix to get the 5th season streaming.

Unknown said...

Hey Regan/Greg--I just checked your blog (via Benleigh) and am so jazzed over William (my little twin!!) He is too CUTE!!!
I'm trying to out how he can be part of "my" family. ..Perhaps a nephew-in-law ???
Hope we will see you all at Christmas. Sue