Tuesday, July 18, 2006

weekend close-ups

weekend fun!

where did we go?


well, not the speedway... but the city...

on the way, i'd say a few miles outside of bloomington, il, we decided it would be a good idea to order pizza in champaign and pick it up when we got there and eat it in the car. you know... because pizza's a real easy thing to eat in the car.

so, that's what we did!

driving on trusty old green street...

past the alma mater...

and with the pizza now securely on my lap...

i bet you're thinking there was some messy pizza mishap... but there wasn't.


at grandma and grandpa's house, where even the yard critters are happy...

canopied backyard...

jungly backyard...

so, the purpose of the visit was a wedding. a beautiful wedding in fact, with wonderful food... a beautiful wedding... with wonderful food... which was not captured on camera... my camera at least. how i could possibly forget my camera for such an event? there's simply no good reason... except that it was a morning wedding so i was inevitably running around like a crazy lady trying not to be late. i guess that could have been why. fortunately, leighnard allowed me use of hers. unfortunately, her camera cord (had she actually brought it) would not have fit in my laptop... so the pictures remain with her.

fortunately though i did remember to bring my camera to the event the night before the wedding... a minor league game.

on the way to the game...
a little bit city...

a little bit... not city??

the stadium...

the fare...

the field...

at the game...

there were antics on...

and off the field...





the groom...
he just looks tough.

the little brother...

the mom...

the little seester...

the husband...

*i apologize to all those whose close-ups i did not get... i know you wish i had... and you're welcome to all those whose close-ups i did get... i know you'd like to thank me for publishing them on the internet...please don't disown me!

"my parents are just driving me up the wall. 9 o'clock bedtime?! come on! the sun's out until 11!" "i know exactly what you mean. it's unconscionable."

hey look! we're famous!

as the night wore on, with no good picture of the 2 sisters, we tried our best to come up with something frameable, but just couldn't seem to find one another tolerable at the same time...

ah well... next visit.

the field sometime around the 9th inning...

because the teams didn't realize we had an a.m. wedding the next day, they decided not to stop at 9...
i have to say, i was okay with them ending it after 13 innings. i heard that the record for a AAA game was around 31.

next morning (alright... these were taken after the fact... like i said... crazy lady... no camera)...

what is great about having a beautician as a grandmother?

you get to do your hair in her beauty parlor...

with access to all of the fun hair products you could ever want...

you can even dry your hair in the hair-drying chair...
but i didn't. that probably would have gotten me there in time for the brunch reception.

hey! what's this?!
the little booster seat i used to sit on when i'd get my perms and haircuts as a kid. ah, memories.

okay... back to madison... and the lovely garden plot.

guess what we came home to?!!

real and true green beans!

but not only that... are you ready to find out what the purple mystery beans are?

they're purple beans!
that is, purple green beans! who knew?! not us.

and look... soybeans!
these little guys aren't quite ready yet.

we have lately been worried about our potato plants. you may remember them as healthy, green, busy, all that stuff... despite the potato beetles... but lately they are lethargic and thinning. is it blight? is it boredom? we were pretty worried until we discovered this:
a potato peeking out from under the soil. woohoo!

unfortunately i cannot say wonderful things about the garlic. when we got back, the... scapes... if you will, although they were hardly scapes... were completely wilted. brown and slumped over. so... with heavy hearts, we dug up the remains... which... ended up being a pretty fun scavenger hunt to find what they'd left us...

here is what we found...

were we happy to find all of those little garlic bulbs?

of course!

and i just have to end this post with our own future audrey hepburn...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I had forgotten my camera at home and was abandoning hope of an embarrassing closeup photo of my face surfacing on the internet.

Now that I have a faster modem, I think I will be reading this more often!


Shinunen Kirshnuner the Great