Thursday, August 10, 2006

garden finds

look! a tomato with a slug on it!

not as big as the slugs you find in the rainforest... or next to dumpsters... but if he increases his daily caloric intake he could compete with the best of them. which means that he's got to stop focusing on this tomato!

fortunately these were spared the rapacious tooth of the slug...

guess what these are going to be?!
hint: you carve them at halloween.

was that too easy?

next... the font color today is in honor of this....

the morning glories have finally decided to show up! aren't they fun?! the bees are absolutely obsessed with them! and i'm all for bees.

speaking of flowers. the 2nd beatrice was looking a bit shabby. all it really had were the painted tongues and some sorry green stuff. so, we went to the garden store down the street from the plot and picked out some new flowers...
the mums were greg's pick. the purple guys were mine.

mine aren't doing so well... but i'm hoping for a turnaround anyday now.

close-up though... they're cute right?

1 comment:

kit said...

Turnips! is it turnips you carve for halloween?