Tuesday, February 20, 2007


it was 42 degrees today! soon... soon it's going to be green... and the only white will come from swell cats... or dandy lions... something like that....

and the garden... that snow covered lifeless plot (well, the voles... i'm sure they're thriving in there somewhere) will soon be green... isn't that exciting... to think of the garden being green! to think of food growing in it once again!
and we're probably not going to go with the morning glories this year, so if someone has a tip for a wonderful vining flower, let us know!
also... i wonder if our mum is okay... i just realized that we never covered it up after the ground froze... uh oh.


Kit Nat said...

It was 67 here today. I was loving ever minute of it!!

Stephanie said...

A good vine plant is a clematis. Check out this website and it will tell you all about it...


My parents have these in the yard. They grow really really fast and are beautiful.

greg|regan said...

67! man... now you're just making me feel bad!

thanks for the tip sneph. i will look into clematis. how fun! do they come in different colors?