Tuesday, March 13, 2007

true love?

1 a.m. at the physics building... that is how coveted my laptop is... and because the manufacturer failed to solder one tiny little piece, i (and consequently greg) am forced to prove my dedication to the piece of machinery that i politely asked to work properly for 3 years... why manufacturer? why, for the fifth time must we (i.e. greg, and i, as an onlooker) fix what you failed to make right to begin with?

ah... well...

for tonight anyway, the computer remains in disrepair. =/


Stephanie said...

This has nothing to do with the computer...rather I'm back onto weather. 71 today!!!! 65 tomorrow!!!! Then it gets back into the 30's for a couple of days. Crazy weather...why must you mock thee!

greg|regan said...

well... it's 56 and overcast in madison right now! and tomorrow it's going to be "cooler with a little rain." wonderful!