Friday, January 25, 2008

poor, neglected blog...

a week of lots of work and then another week where the computer was mostly out of commission.
no pictures to share for now.
it's cold in wisconsin these days... lucky when we get into the positive numbers on the thermometer. oliver even refuses his walks when it's not above 0. he needs some good boots.
baby is scrambling about with only 9 weeks left before it introduces itself to the world and its parents and its pets.... and it's hiccuping... all the time!
that's the update in brief!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Wow, only nine weeks left? I am currently reliving all the last moments of being pregnant, such a wonderful time of anticipation! Asher will be one in a month and it is so hard to believe how time has passed. Enjoy all your last moments and preparing for such an amazing addition to your family. How is planning for the home birth?