Friday, January 16, 2009

10 americans

This comes from part of a blog post of one of our neighbors whose 3 year old son has leukemia:

There is an organization called The Environmental Working Group (EWG). It's a team of scientists, engineers, policy experts, lawyers and computer programmers that pores over government data, legal documents, scientific studies and their own laboratory tests to expose threats to our health and the environment, and to find solutions. They did a study and then a subsequent presentation called "10 Americans". The following links are to an article about the study/presentation and to the fascinating yet disturbing video:

you should watch the video. it is very lay person friendly, which may irk some of my sciencey readers, but the group seems legit, so i can't imagine the startling information wouldn't be. scary to think what we are exposing our children and ourselves to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor's child. That is so sad :(