Wednesday, January 07, 2009

home again

veralouie apologizes for the short hiatus. we just got back into town after a funeral for my wonderful grandfather. it was a lot of traveling and it was also sad but it was a time to see so many relatives and also very hopeful for the future and for the idea of living up to the potential of a great legacy.

in other news, we are also so tired. oh so tired! and oh so busy! someday surely we will get into a routine... one that involves sleeping through an entire night without waking multiple times... and if not, then i am soon going to revert back to a former routine of napping when william naps. ah sleep... i think i will go do that right now! goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Regan!
Thanks for the comment on my blog :) I was hoping to hear from you and it was helpful!

You should check out this blog. It's at
The writer has a lot to say about not buying things new and makes some great points that I agree with. Sounds similar to what you're saying about having less toys,etc. I'm going through a big purge at the moment and getting rid of things that seem to have no interest to Jannah or the daycare kiddos.

So sorry to hear about your Grandfather, but I'm glad you got some time with extended family members.

We should try to get together sometime again!! We miss seeing you guys. Hope your Christmas was very merry :)