Tuesday, January 27, 2009

william and some household goods and some related individuals

it is so cold. william's fun has to be had inside of our small condo. he's not even going to remember that outdoors is a place one can spend a great amount of time... that it is a place where one can hang out, not because that person is wilderness-bound due to some unfortunate accident, but voluntarily because of the fresh air and the abundance of vitamin d to be had.

so here is the indoor fun william has been having of late:

meeting (and navigating the how-to's of large toy sharing with) his older cousin...

making winter soups and stews with two spoons... living up to the nickname "willy two spoons"...

riding around in a laundry basket with a monkey...

and most importantly... spending quality time with grandpa...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Time is sure flying by. He looks so cute and almost like a little boy instead of a baby! I see a lot of both of you in his expressions :)

Thanks for the blog comment. I agree. It's hard to believe it's even an issue. Thanks for the support!! Enjoy the heat wave coming our way--a whole 20+ degrees. Wahoo!

Kit Nat said...

Willy Two spoons, I love it