Wednesday, December 02, 2009

we're here!

you are probably tired of looking at the bat picture huh? well, i wish i could say i was doing something really productive with my time, even just finishing that book over to the right that i've been reading for so long, but no, i haven't even been keeping up with scarlett all that well. just keeping things going and going to sleep.

we aim for this kind of evening whenever we can get it... although we are probably both getting a bit tired of 'mouse soup'...

this november has been really abnormally wonderful! this was a few weekends back now, but we were out at governor nelson state park on a beautiful day. i think william's sweater was overkill as i definitely recall actually feeling uncomfortably hot at one point.

confidence kid...

no, we did not put him up to this. he hugged the tree all on his own...

playing with a stick...

back at home, driving around...

serious kid...

and, of course we did go up north for thanksgiving which is probably the most fun we've had since i last updated. william got to meet his cousin for the first time (and us our nephew). that was a great event. here is william dancing at grandma and grandpa's house.

and here's a video of william and his cousin dancing. it's a bit inconvenient for the last 2/3 of it because being the brainiac that i am, i turned the camera, not realizing that it wouldn't "right" itself or that i couldn't just rotate it. sheesh! sorry. but it's still cute enough that i decided to put it up.

that's all for now!

1 comment:

Kit Nat said...

loved the dancing!