Friday, June 09, 2006

not to toot my own horn

okay, okay, this is obviously me tooting away....

if you're interested: (law school news on the right)


alright, alright, so the award said 'law student of the year'... so what! so i'm the law student of 2006... big deal! so there technically can only be one law student with that official title and i happen to be the one holding it... so what!?! look, this sort of thing happens to me on a daily basis. i really can't do anything about it... i'm pretty sure it's just the natural talent i was born with. is this something i can help? no. is this something i'm proud of? let me ask you... are you proud of the fact that you have a nose... arms... legs... i mean, my unnaturally talented talent (which people for one reason or another feel the need to honor at one event after another) is that mundane... that everyday. i walk around with it, just like you walk around with green or brown eyes... yeah, i could maybe get myself some "talent lenses" to change the 'color' if you will, of my talent, but honestly, i'm not a fake... i'm not gonna hide my abilities just because i can.

so thank you, thank you in advance... i'm sure you'll want to lavish loads of praise, but please... frankly, i've heard it all before!

(wink, wink)


Anonymous said...

You know, facts are just facts. The burdens we bear! I guess this is just one of yours. Ah well, if the accolades must come, it's just another cross to carry. I know you'll do it well! I guess maybe I shouldn't have emailed the web site to everyone I know? (The University of Wisconsin web site, specifically, for those I missed, that has on the right side a list of articles, with the one about Regan listed as the FIRST one! But then, why mention that? So unnecessary!)
Love, Brenda :)

Anonymous said...

OK-so you have always been pretty and smart and twice as tough but I am still very proud of you--congratulations. Dad

Kit Nat said...

I am so proud of you! You are so smart, that is why I'm friends with you. Hee, hee. You and Greg should come down and stay with us soon, camping, wineries, hiking fun stuff!!! We miss you guys


Anonymous said...

Did they really need to write an article about you? Isn't it well known around the world that you are the most brilliant lawyer this planet has seen?? DUH! So proud of you, Reggie!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.