Sunday, February 11, 2007

lantern light yellow

the kitchen, at different times of the day, on different days, from different angles, with different camera settings and different editing... same overall concept...

on the first night of the move, our basement became like a gaming cinema/lamp factory

the mrs.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Pictures at last - but only three?? Great kitchen!

greg|regan said...

slowly but surely! the pictures i took of the rest of the place are already outdated now that we have pictures up!

Anonymous said...

OK... I'll be patient! K.

Stephanie said...

I love your kitchen!!!!! I was hoping that you would have pictures today and I got my wish! Remember my life revolves around the blog so it is very important to me. Well at least it revolves around it at work. Can you believe that this is your place???? Does it feel like home yet? These questions could be addressed in the next blog. Perhaps?

Kit Nat said...

I wish I had a kitchen like that I love it!!