Sunday, March 02, 2008


<--- 36.5 weeks

what oliver looks like after a day of playing with his friend, bowser --->

(we went to a day-long birthing class (grandmothers-to-be, give a big sigh of relief) and didn't want to leave the little man at home all day as if it were a 6 day work week... although both of us did go to work after the class for about an hour or so.)


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, a side view! You look great Regan! Good luck on getting through the next few weeks and have a great birth! (that sounds weird) I know you'll do awesome!

Kit Nat said...

Yea!!!! You look beautiful. You're all belly:) Good luck!

Kate said...

Wow! 36.5 weeks, enjoy the last of your pregnancy and yes have a great birth, may it be all that you hope for. By the way how was the documentary?