Wednesday, March 05, 2008

non-pictorial 37 week update

so! my stock answer to "how are you feeling" has recently changed from "good!" to "uncomfortable and tired." in that order too. i can be uncomfortable all day at work and stay awake, but the second i get home, i just want to lay on the couch. the result being that all of my mother-to-be, instinctual "have-to-get-everything-prepared-and-ready-and-clean-the-whole-house- and-organize-all-of-the-shelves-
and-wipe- down-the-baseboards-and-power-wash-the-windows" energy has been inadvertently redirected into "have-to-get-this-case-settled-and-these-documents-filed-and-those-
who's-going- to-water-my-plants-for-two-months" energy instead.
i sure hope this baby doesn't mind dusty baseboards... unless husband , whose energy is more balanced, can be convinced...

so! today makes 37 weeks. baby's favorite game: kick mom in the ribs.

so! the business of being born! i loved it! of course it was preaching to the choir, but i highly recommend it. so rent it already! or, if you have a netflix account, i think you can watch it right now on your computer.
go to netflix! or put it on your neighbor's queue.


Anonymous said...

don't worry Reg, babies don't even know baseboards exist....hee hee

Kate said...

Cleaning is what you can put all those visitors to doing while you hang out with your new baby. Do you have a room for the baby? Any color schemes or fun stuff in there? The uncomfortable stuff is all worth it, and the lack of sleep is only preparing you for what is ahead, just training so that when the most you ever get at a time is 2 hours, you can still be chipper... I am going on about 18 months of no more than 4 hours of sleep in a row- once I had 6 and it was awesome! Long comment... please pardon.