Wednesday, March 12, 2008

T minus two to four weeks

it's almost incomprehensible to think that in a month or less (hopefully less... let's all pray that it's less) we are going to be introduced to this person i've been carrying around for ohhh soooo long now.

are we ready? we've acquired much in the way of baby things, but do we know what to do with it all? i suppose the clothes are self-explainable for example, but what do we do when the baby's screaming bloody murder and we are attempting to put some 20-button outfit on him/her?

these are the thoughts which have not been, but which probably should be occupying every waking minute. instead i am like the bride focused only on the wedding day and not the marriage. i cannot seem to read enough about the labor and birth part. i am hung up on the fact that i cannot have the baby without going through the birth. and knowing that if all goes as planned, i will have no opportunity for any type of medical intervention with regard to the pain, i feel as though i must be as read-up on the subject as possible. i'm not nervous though, only excited! it's one of those challenges that you don't come across every day.

well, i should post before the battery dies. sorry no picture again.

1 comment:

Kate said...

How exciting. May the countdown begin. I am really looking forward to hearing about your birth adventure to meet your child- hope you will share with us online. Good Luck!! and hold on to the excitement- that's the best attitude to have. Please post more, so when you are gone for awhile, we know its for the babe.