Sunday, March 30, 2008


sorry, did that last post sound like i'm excited and happy to still be pregnant?

i meant to say: no baby yet. arrgghhhh!


no baby yet!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

40 weeks

well regan, did you have the baby yet?

yeah regan, we're all waiting... did you?

well... does it look like i had the baby yet?

but i guess i'm not really that miserable.


reality lies somewhere in between the two photos.
but don't i look ready? i mean, it's sort of ridiculous at this point... from my perspective.

anyway, so, i'm 40 weeks today. not even overdue until tomorrow, which is really the stated due date, but i've made an executive decision and changed it to today because of that extra day in february that most pregnancy calendars didn't account for.

easter sunday was an active day contraction-wise (but as you know... baby and i are still going everywhere together). it was also an active day snowflake-wise...

however signs of spring were slowly showing themselves...

we went on an easter day walk with the neighbor's dog, while oliver was eating prime rib at bowser's house.

greg took this picture. he turned the sky purple...

i thought that before i got too big to button up this coat, either spring or the baby would have arrived. i guess technically spring has arrived, however in practice, spring is nothing but another winter afternoon...

anyhow, go about your business, this baby's staying put for now! (i'm trying to jinx things.)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter

maybe someday i will learn how to draw easter rabbits. yikes!
anywho, no easter babies. at least not yet.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

11 days or so

still here. (more specifically, in the same condition i've been in since last summer!!!) statistically speaking that shouldn't be a surprise.
anyhow, the weather's getting nicer, the littlest is jumping around a lot, and my tiredness and uncomfortableness has leveled off in the past week, or perhaps has even improved-- my gait has returned to a waddle after its previous low-- the shuffle.
not much more to report. if everything happens on or around the due date, i probably won't have to be in court until after my return to the world of paid work... if it doesn't... well, i'll get to suit up (in one of my ever dwindling options for such events) on the due date and hope my mind still works.
well, that's the update.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

T minus two to four weeks

it's almost incomprehensible to think that in a month or less (hopefully less... let's all pray that it's less) we are going to be introduced to this person i've been carrying around for ohhh soooo long now.

are we ready? we've acquired much in the way of baby things, but do we know what to do with it all? i suppose the clothes are self-explainable for example, but what do we do when the baby's screaming bloody murder and we are attempting to put some 20-button outfit on him/her?

these are the thoughts which have not been, but which probably should be occupying every waking minute. instead i am like the bride focused only on the wedding day and not the marriage. i cannot seem to read enough about the labor and birth part. i am hung up on the fact that i cannot have the baby without going through the birth. and knowing that if all goes as planned, i will have no opportunity for any type of medical intervention with regard to the pain, i feel as though i must be as read-up on the subject as possible. i'm not nervous though, only excited! it's one of those challenges that you don't come across every day.

well, i should post before the battery dies. sorry no picture again.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

non-pictorial 37 week update

so! my stock answer to "how are you feeling" has recently changed from "good!" to "uncomfortable and tired." in that order too. i can be uncomfortable all day at work and stay awake, but the second i get home, i just want to lay on the couch. the result being that all of my mother-to-be, instinctual "have-to-get-everything-prepared-and-ready-and-clean-the-whole-house- and-organize-all-of-the-shelves-
and-wipe- down-the-baseboards-and-power-wash-the-windows" energy has been inadvertently redirected into "have-to-get-this-case-settled-and-these-documents-filed-and-those-
who's-going- to-water-my-plants-for-two-months" energy instead.
i sure hope this baby doesn't mind dusty baseboards... unless husband , whose energy is more balanced, can be convinced...

so! today makes 37 weeks. baby's favorite game: kick mom in the ribs.

so! the business of being born! i loved it! of course it was preaching to the choir, but i highly recommend it. so rent it already! or, if you have a netflix account, i think you can watch it right now on your computer.
go to netflix! or put it on your neighbor's queue.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


<--- 36.5 weeks

what oliver looks like after a day of playing with his friend, bowser --->

(we went to a day-long birthing class (grandmothers-to-be, give a big sigh of relief) and didn't want to leave the little man at home all day as if it were a 6 day work week... although both of us did go to work after the class for about an hour or so.)